Journey to Self Discovery



One of the most important things in life is discovering what makes you tick. What interests you. Because eventually, this is what is supposed to guide you to who you should be or who you truly want to become. I discovered this early on in life when I read Purpose-driven life by Rick Warren during high school.

So I set out to discover my interests. What did I like to do. I did have to make some research and some experiments. Turns out it's not an easy one since it has taken me over six years of my life to discover who I really want to be. It's a whole life process and maybe am still finding out more but I feel at this point am onto something.

Because when I think about it, lights go on in my head, I become super excited and am not afraid to do anything. I become charged. I know no bounds, I see no limitations. So I guess I have found something to get me out of bed in the morning at 5 hahaha.

I understood the need for self-discovery as finding your spot in this big world. What your contribution is going to be in it. I believe this is a journey we all out to be deliberate about because it becomes like our compass in life. I set out to it because I needed inspiration and purpose because without them we are really just confusing the world.

So what really helped were some of these.

Identified what my values were. What did I believe in? Of course, these are largely shaped by the community in which we grow up.

Then I tried to find my interests. What things did I like to do and enjoyed doing?

Out of my interests, I tried out some things and ventured into them one by one and some just kept dropping off along the way.

During this time I used my interests as a compass to show me where to go but i did give other things that were not on my list a chance because its life we ought to discover.

I did give it time and I knew the feeling I had to get when I thought about it so when I tried things and I didn't get that feeling I knew better not to continue.

Ofcourse i did pray for God to open my eyes to what i should see.

So know about the feeling, try out some things, and when you get it come join the rest of us in this excitement. You ought to.

I have to go.

