How To Speak.


“Your success in life will be determined largely by your ability to speak, your ability to write, and the quality of your ideas. In that order.”

I am going to give you an overview of how to speak particularly when talking to a group of people and how to present your ideas such that they are noticed.

I got these as I was curiously going through the MIT courseware as my usual evening TODO. The course is entitled How To Speak which was instructed by late professor Patrick Winston.

We are truly so lucky to live in an age where we can watch and listen to such things for free. MIT-OCW, I salute you.

1. Do not start with a joke

— ideally, because most people at this point are still settling down and wouldn't be ready for one.

2. Start with a Promise

— Tell them what they going to learn at the end of your makes people think they are going to be more valuable after listening to and learning something new.

3. Cycle around your point

— make your idea repeated many times in order to be completely clear for everyone.

4. Make a “Fence” around your idea

— so that it can be distinguished from someone else’s idea and can be clearly understood.

5. Verbal punctuation

— sum up information within your talk sometimes to make listeners get back on. State what you have covered so far and what is there to come.

6. Ask a question

— an intriguing one that usually helps bring back people’s attention.

7. You can end with a joke.

— It makes people think they have been having fun the whole time!

8. Exhibit passion for what you are doing.

— That is one way to inspire people. People are mostly inspired by other people who are very passionate about what they are doing and know how to exhibit that passion.

9. Show your hands and face the audience.

— hiding your hands makes you look like you are hiding something.

We humans only have one language processor, so focus dont distruct it by using it simultaneously e.g listening while reading. to a full video about this topic.

Give it a try

